My Address:
Erin Sullivan
p.o box 972
Masaka Uganda East Africa
-Letters/Packages take an undetermined amount of time to arrive, could be weeks or months
-Padded envelopes work better (are less likely to be tampered with) than boxes.
-Best to write "Air Mail" and "Par Avion" on envelopes and packages
-Number your letters (1,2,3, etc.) so I'll know if one is missing
-When declaring, do not write the factual amount or contents. Always claim the package as containing less than $25.
- if sending a package do not write down what is actually in the package but rather put resource materials bibles or office supplies something along those lines.
Idea list of some things I would love to get from home...(in no particular order..)
-cliff mojo bars (peanut butter pretzel ones have become my fav)-any type of granola bars
-kraft mac and cheese packets
-tuna salad or chicken packets
-cheese its
-easy cheese
-instant oatmeal or cream of wheat
-pop tarts
-a big mac (haha i wish)
-fruit snacks (the hard kind like scooby doo or princesses ones like those)
-noodle packets (broc noodle, alfrado, butter)
-hohos zebra cakes oatmeal pies or pumpkin delights (if you are reading this in the fall you better grab lots of pumpkin delights)
-stove top stuffing
-pictures for me to put up in my house of everyone having fun without me :(
-magazines (cosmo, people, other ones with the latest celeb gossip so i can be up to date on whose dating who whose knocked up etc)
- anything else you can think of...doesnt have to be food can be anything that you think i may like i love surprises (actually i hate surprises but i love getting mail so ill take surprises plus i cant write everything down on here as you noticed all i think about is food so food is good to can send just a letter tho too i will respond!!!!