Thursday, May 17, 2012

More Travel and Medical Adventures

As you can tell there is never a dull moment when it comes to transport in this country. On the way to the camp Joey and I were traveling and noticed our driver kept pulling his money out of his shirt pocket and putting it in his pants pocket then would take it out of his pants pocket and put it in his shirt pocket. This went on most of the way until finally his money blew out the window. We then had to stop and look for his money for over half and hour, which he never found. THEN on the way home from camp we were all exhausted and ready to get back to site when a truck hits our bus which resulted in us having to sit outside on the side of the road for over 2 hours waiting for the police to walk there (yes if you have read previous posts this is the 2nd time iv had to wait for police to walk to a situation).

After all that travel I vowed not to leave site and not travel for a while. But what happened 2 days after getting back to site, I’m back on a bus traveling to Kampala for medical. Turns out I developed more staph infections this time one in each eye. It was the worst pain I have ever had to deal with my eyes felt like they had razor blades in them. After my first visit with the doctor he gave me some antibiotics and an ointment and told me I could leave the next day. Well the next day came and my eyes doubled in size due to the swelling and some bruising (one PCV even told me I looked like a beaten wife) so it was back to the medical office. I was then told I could not go back to site for a couple of days so they would not become further infected. Such a sad day learning I couldn’t turn right back around and travel again and had to be stuck in the capital and be forced to eat good food like Italian, Mexican and Chinese. There was only one downside to the Mexican food. The antibiotics hated me and my body hated them and decided to make me sick…Mexican food sure doesn’t taste as good the second time around.  

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