Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lack of Excitement

It has been awhile since I have last updated this due to the lack of excitement, well everyday is an adventure but I do not want to write about the same adventures over and over. The same travel adventures have been happening, for some reason I don’t think I will ever get the pleasure of sitting next to someone who is not vomiting into a plastic bag or onto my feet next to me. 

Somethings that have happened though:

I was graced with the presence of a group of 10 white people for almost 2 weeks. They were great and even shared some of their American food with me J. They kept me busy though bringing over 1200 pieces of clothing or the kids, 1000 pairs of underwear, stuffed animals which all needed sorted and distributed. They also did small projects like paint the bathing room doors, put up screens etc.

I rode an ostrich! We went down to the boarder of Tanzinia which is only about 17km from my house and spent part o the day there looking around the market, eating lunch just over the boarder and drinking Tanzanian beer. After a ew warm beers since the power had been out we decided it was a good idea to go to a town about 5km from my house and ride an ostrich. The ostrich was trying to buck both myself and another PCV off of it during eah of our rides. I got the pleasure of riding first, right after watching a Ugandan all off of it. We also later found out that we were put on the male ostrich which they normally don’t let people ride because he is crazy or stubborn as they say here. Well low and behold they sometimes think its funny to make mzungus come who come in ride him so they are thrown off. I did not fall off, but I was laying completely flat on my stomach at one point because he was bucking me off and I couldn’t sit up anymore!

I have been chosen to help plan our all volunteer conference which has been somehow stressful. Any people are refusing to present because they do not want to attend it if it is at the current venue, which is not the normal high quality venue they are used to the conference being at. Believe me if I could make it somewhere where we would get regular hotel rooms, hot showers, good food, pool and booze id be all for it but PC is not allowing it to happen. They want it to be at the baseball complex which is dorm style rooms, cold showers, no pool opr booze.

4th of July was defiantly different than it is in the past, well not that different the only difference was that I was with a different group of people and not boozing it up out on a sandbar of the lake. Instead a group of us went to the west part of Uganda and celebrated America the best way we know how, by drinking and cooking delicious American food. The weekend was great and I wish we were all able to spend more time hanging out like that! There were jorts everywhere and tshirts ranging from those with hamburgers and hotdogs on them to mine a gem which I found it the market stating “terrorist fist jab” on it.

A mouse recently discovered his way into my house. I think he has gotten into my adderall because he has been running around like a maniac keeping me up all night. I first discovered he was there when my head was against my mosquito net reading and he decides to climb the net up onto the rafters right where my head is.  

Not too much else happening, not boring just not worth blogging about. On the upside I will be in America in less than a month and I cannot wait for real food, hot showers, being clean and getting to see my friends and family!!!!

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